Recently, Bastian Pfleging was invited to be the guest editor for an “it – Information Technology” special issue on Automotive User Interfaces. Together with Shadan Sadeghian Borojeni (University of Siegen) an Debargha Dey (Eindhoven University of Technology) they were inviting researchers from the AutomotiveUI community to submit their work to this special issue.
Please have a look at the detailed webpage for this special issue to find out more.
Details & Dates
- Abstract/title submission: before June 8, 2020
- Manuscripts due by: June 22, 2020
- Notification to authors: July 31, 2020
- Final versions due by: September 4, 2020
- Tentative publication: End of 2020
- Detailed call:
- Submission site:
- Author instructions:
- Manuscript templates: Word, LaTeX
Guest Editor for Special Issue on Automotive UI